Swimmable Lake Club

  • Rule 1: All may come just ask to be invited.
  • Rule 2: Lakes are optional; swimming is not.
  • Rule 3: Enjoyment is mandatory.
  • Despite having an open door policy this is a very exclusive club. It membership is less than 30 and active and enduring members less than 10. The club started when Miles asked Amy if she wanted to go for a hike in July of 2003. We then thought that maybe "Borck" should join owing to his generally friendly nature and enjoyment of the outdoors. Then Amy asked do you know of a hike with a "lake at the top?" Miles did. Since then we meet and swim in a lake. Along the way food, wine and gellato became an important part of the experience. Complicated logistics are also a characteristic of the club.

    For the 2008 SLC season we are looking to be more regimented. Scheduled every Wednesday evening. Leaving downtown at about 5:15.

    Here are a list of past "lakes":
    Cabin Lake, Black Mnt, Cypress Bowl (1st and standby)
    Mystery Lake, Mnt Seymour (second and second standby)
    Lions Bay Cliff Jumping (a favourite; July 2, 2008 we hauled away 6 bags of bottles and garbage)
    Sandy Cove, West Vancouver
    Cypress Creek Canyon Crawl (rec'e only)
    Brohm Lake
    what am I forgetting?

    Here are a list of future lakes:
    Petgill Lake
    Deeks Lake
    Deeks Lake and Hanover lake or Brunswick Lake
    Levette Lake
    Canyon Crawl (super hot day)
    Lynn Headwaters
    Sasamat Lake
    Buntzen Lake

    Here is a list of past events:
    Sandy Cove, Wd July 9, 2008
    Lions Bay, Wd July 2, 2008
    Cabin Lake, Th Aug 23, 2007
    Lions Bay, Su Aug 5, 2007.
    Cypress Creek Canyon, Sa Aug 4, 2007.
    Sandy Cove, Th July 12, 2007.
    Lions Bay, Th July 5, 2007, pics.
    Brohm Lake, Su June 3, 2007, pics.
    Cabin Lake, Th Aug 3, 2006.
    Sandy Cove, Th Jul 27, 2006.
    Mystery Lake, Aug, 2005.
    Lions Bay, Aug 2004.
    Cabin Lake, 2004.
    Mystery Lake, Aug, 2003.
    Cabin Lake, Aug, 2003.
    Cabin Lake, July 2003.

    Here is a list of participants: Amy, Angie, Arlin, Brock, Bronwen, Chris(tina), Damian, Darren, Dave G., Elspeth, Gaelen, Graeme, Gypsy, Harry, Heather, Helena, James, Jen, Jordan, Keddie, Lynda, Mark, Miles, Nat(asha), Phil, R-E, Sooze, Susi, Ted, ...

    How clean is that water?

    Miles Steininger